Updated January, 2025
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Our Shop for eBooks reveals NewAncient™ Secrets. Check out our eBook on Consciousness with a new definition Consciousness, offering spiritual knowledge and instructions.
WHAT YOU FIND UNIQUELY HERE NewAncientSecrets™ is dedicated to bring you knowledge mainly from original research that has not been widely known, is new or has been long forgotten – that is, secrets of the ages you may not find yet in any other book, since such knowledge is mainly the result of decades of innovative studies, often reached in naturally altered states of awareness! NewAncientSecrets™ presents integrative science and religion and that what was holy for humankind through millennia. Discover practical applications and humor, enrich yourself with spiritual and other secrets and gain new points of view: the ancient ones that have been symbolized and forgotten, addressing our sacred energy fields, as found in holy symbols from the Stone Age and in the holy scriptures of the Bible, of which today’s churches do not know. Learn about Consciousness, Human Rights, Color*Medicine™, Self-Help, and Self-Improvement, beautiful native and contemporary art and its symbolic meanings; likewise, learn about the origin of symbols, which may appear in your dreams, and much more. Indulge: the present sales prices are hard to beat! Please visit frequently for more and unique topics and rare to find information that will be upcoming. You may not want to miss a single one of these informative and inspirational eBooks!
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Special Offer
Introductory ePrice for a limited time: $15.99,
60 pages, 70 b/w images, 5 color images including covers
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Special Offer
Introductory ePrice for a limited time: $12.99,
60 pages, 70 b/w images, 5 color images including covers
Please visit again for our next NewAncientSecrets™ ePublication(s).
Galactic Origin of Human Genesis on Harvard Authors' Bookshelf, Harvard Magazine - November, 2018
Special Offer
Introductory ePrice for a limited time: $16.99,
146 pages, 10 color images, 15 b/w, including covers
A Chance for Peace on Harvard Authors' Bookshelf, Harvard Magazine - May, 2018
Special Offer
Introductory ePrice for a limited time: $14.99,
78 pages, 4 color images including covers
Wheels of Wonders on Harvard Authors' Bookshelf, Harvard Magazine - May, 2017
Special Offer
Introductory ePrice for a limited time: $12.49,
66 pages, 35 images
GMO or OMG on Harvard Authors' Bookshelf, Harvard Magazine - November, 2017
Special Offer
Introductory ePrice for a limited time: $14.99,
125 pages, 51 color images, 1 b/w
The Holy Land - War and Peace on Harvard Authors' Bookshelf, Harvard Magazine - November, 2016
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Introductory ePrice for a limited time: $19.49,
156 pages, 53 images
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Introductory ePrice for a limited time: $ 16.99
Special Offer
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Zeitalter des Gefühls/Era of Feeling
Einführngspreis für eine begrenzte Zeit $9.98
Introductory ePrice for a limited time: $ 9.98.
188 pages: illustrations: 38 b/w, 4 in color, eischließlich Einband
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Special Offer
Introductory ePrice for a limited time: $19.99,
474 pages
Special Offer
Introductory ePrice for a limited time: $6.99,
96 pages: illustrations: 53 b/w
Special Offer
Introductory ePrice for a limited time: $5.00,
66 pages, circa 64b/w images, 4 color images
Special Offer
Introductory ePrice for a limited time: $4.99,
21 pages, 22 b/w images
CATEGORY ePamphlets (to come)
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